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First Methodist Church of Church Hill

Parental Agreement

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I’m aware that the First Methodist Church Preschool is not required to be licensed by the State of Tennessee as a child care facility.


To cooperate with the school by seeing that our child is in a good state of health every day that he attends. We will keep him/her home if he/she shows symptoms of cold or illness, and we will report the date of exposure to contagious diseases.


We agree to send our child to preschool regularly except when the child may be sick, or when unusual or difficult circumstances make it desirable for him/her to miss for a day or two.


We agree to pay the tuition fee the first week of each month, regardless of the number of school days within the month, with the understanding that these fees are necessary to meet the actual expense of the operation of the school. It is also understood that if I have to pull my child out of the program I will give a two week notice or pay for that time.


It is understood and agreed by us that the church, the teachers, and the assistants are hereby released from any and all claims financial responsibility arising out of any accidents or mishaps that may occur in connection with the operation of the school or from any illness that may be contracted by the child during the period of enrollment, except where negligence exists on part of the above.


If, in the director’s or teacher’s opinion, an emergency arises, I give permission for my child to be taken immediately to his own physician or the emergency room at the hospital for treatment. I give permission for the physician to give whatever treatment is necessary if it must be administered immediately. This is done with the understanding that every attempt will have been made to contact the parents, the child’s physician, and other persons listed for emergency contact.


It is understood and agreed that this facility is a Christian preschool and that such holidays as Christmas and Easter are Christian holidays that will be celebrated as such. It is understood that my child will have daily Bible time and once a week Chapel that will include talking about the Christmas and Easter stories among others.